Land Use & Zoning

We have received the application for CVS on the NW corner of 2100 South and 1300 East.  They are asking for permission to vacate a public alley.  They are also requesting a re-zone of the two properties located at 2046 and 2036 South 1300 East in order to allow parking in support of the proposed retail use.  The project will go from Residential Office to Community Business.  This will allow the entire project to
The City Council held a briefing today for the Sugar House Streetcar Corridor Master Plan and Zoning Amendments.  This would amend the Sugar House Master Plan, and the zoning ordinance to create Streetcar Corridor form-based zoning districts, and amending the zoning map to show locations of FB-SC (form-based streetcar core) and FB-SE (form-based streetcar edge) zoning districts.

[caption id="attachment_93843" align="alignleft" width="600"] CVS Pharmacy - Conceptual Site Plan - 5-25-16[/caption] Construction finished Building open. We received some new drawings before CVS takes this to the city council. There is a short review at the June 20, 2016 Land Use & Zoning Committee meeting at 6pm...

Parley’s Meetinghouse - there was an Open House January 4 and the new Meetinghouse was dedicated on January 5. The  Sugar House Streetcar Corridor Master Plan and Zoning Amendments  will be coming up soon at the City Council.  This is the rezoning project (form-based code) that will run along the streetcar corridor..  You can find the latest draft on the City Council website agenda for November 25, 2014.  Changes that are new are pages 1-3 and 74-81.  
  • The Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (RDA) is providing notice of amending the Sugar House Urban Renewal Project Area budget to extend the tax increment collection period by two years through an Interlocal Agreement.  While the project area boundaries and base valuation would remain the same, the Interlocal Agreement would permit

Salt Lake City is hosting an information meeting on the contamination of the Sugar House plume located at the 21st & 21st corner to Sugar House Park.   November 12, 2014 7:00 p.m. Dilworth Elementary Read the outreach letter plume_mtg sent to area residents by the City. Representatives...

October meeting of Sugar House Land Use and Zoning was cancelled.
Demolition of the old Tap Room on Highland Drive is to make way for a temporary parking lot for workers to park in to build Legacy Senior High Rise Building.

Due to the length of this document we have provided a link to the Salt Lake City Council District 7 link to view it in pdf format.Sugar House Master Plan and Circulation and Streetscape Amenities Plan for the Sugar House Business.       You may also view the Sugar House...

[caption id="attachment_1342" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo Courtesy: Redevelopment Agency[/caption] Many residents have inquired about the removal of trees along 2100 S between McClelland St and 1100 E. Trees were removed for the impending monument plaza redesign.  Crews are scheduled to start work on constructing a true pedestrian plaza...

Sugar House has a strong identity among its residents.  Many people have lived their entire lives in this community and have fond memories of how things used to be.  One thing for certain is that Sugar House has undergone many transformations over the 150 years...