Land Use & Zoning

On October 18, the Salt Lake City Council adopted several zoning text amendments that are important for all of us.  You have probably read about them in the newsletter or my land use reports before, because text amendments take time to write, gather feedback from...

To understand how the Community Council makes its recommendations, and the City Planning Commission makes its decision about a development project, let’s talk about how Land Use in Salt Lake City works.  First, members of the community write a master plan, which is a long...

DRIVE THROUGH in SUGAR HOUSE The Planning Commission held a discussion (not a public hearing) about whether or not a drive-through should be allowed in the CSHBD (Commercial Sugar House Business District 1 and 2) zones. After much discussion, the conversation was tabled until...

The Planning Commission (PC) approved Electric Vehicle Readiness Test Amendment on July 13.  Now on to City Council (CC) for final approval. The ADU at 1852 E 2700 South was approved by PC on 7/13. The LUZ reviewed an ADU at 535 Division Street at the July...

UPDATE:  This will be on the Planning Commission agenda September 28 at 5:30.  Here is a link to that staff report. Salt Lake City has received a request from Andrea Palmer of Live Modal, representing the property owner, seeking Conditional Use approval for a single-story, detached...

We have received a Conditional Use request to build a detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) at 2156 S Oneida Street.  The structure will be located to the rear of the home, in the southwest corner of the property. Parking for the ADU will be provided...

SH LAND USE REPORT 2022 JUNE   At the May 11 Planning Commission, we had three items of interest to Sugar House residents: Sugar House Heights (2660 S Highland Drive) -There were some modifications to the design and materials of this home. The Planning Commission approved the...

Salt Lake City has informed us that they are updating the Accessory Dwelling Ordinance, and want our input. This is the original  Notice Letter. Here is the most recent draft 1/17/23, which is what they will vote on.  They didn't vote on Feb 21, so we...

The Planning Commission approved this project in September 2018. Because of an error in calculating the front yard setback, the second building on the street had to be redesigned.  At least one of the houses is built.  Here is the staff report outlining the changes...