Monument Plaza - E Wiggins

Sugar House News and Information

7:00 pm   Welcome-Chair Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Devon Cantwell Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley Liberty Division CIU Det. Meinzer Michael G’s Spotlight on Business (SOB) Coalatree Sugar House Construction...

At the May 17 LUZ meeting, we reviewed a proposed ADU at 738 E 1700 S, which was received favorably. ...

7:00 PM Welcome-Chair Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Devon Cantwell Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley 7:10 District 7 CIU Detective Nathan Meinzer 7:20 Michael G's Spotlight on Business Cru Kumbucha 7:25 East West...

  UPDATE:  This item will be on the June 23, 2021 Planning Commission Agenda.  Here is my letter to the Commission. ...

On April 19, the SH Land Use Committee met, we discussed the Alta Terra Sugar House project at 1121 Ashton...

7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Devon Cantwell Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley Det. Nathan Meinzer 7:15 Steve Auerbach-Music Garage 7:20 S-Line Expansion Ben McAdams Julianna Sabula-SLC Transportation 7:40 Canal Project Update Natalie Moore and...