1844 E 2700 S Hargrave PUD (Planned Unit Development) was approved by PC 6/9/2021. Request was to subdivide lots at...
1844 E 2700 S Hargrave PUD (Planned Unit Development) was approved by PC 6/9/2021. Request was to subdivide lots at...
7:00 Welcome-Chair 7:05 Approve Minutes Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley 7:10 Tim Cosgrove-Community Liaison SLC [email protected] 7:20 District 7 CIU Detective Nathan Meinzer 7:30 Welcome back to the Fire Department 7:40 Former Snelgroves Building Update Mark...
The City is proposing an amendment to the Design Review Ordinance. The purpose of the proposed changes is to clarify...
UPDATE: This is on the Planning Commission Agenda August 25, 2021, here is a link to the staff report. If...
Salt Lake City’s Sustainability Department is proposing a zoning text amendment to the City’s Off-Street Parking chapter to include new...
At the May 17 LUZ meeting, we reviewed a proposed ADU at 738 E 1700 S, which was received favorably. We...
UPDATE: Here is the Planning Commission Staff Report. The report recommends approval. The Zoom meeting will be August 25, 2021...
7:00 pm Welcome-Chair Approve Minutes Secretary Report-Devon Cantwell Treasurer Report-Mike Bagley Liberty Division CIU Det. Meinzer Michael G’s Spotlight on Business (SOB) Coalatree Sugar House Construction...
At the May 17 LUZ meeting, we reviewed a proposed ADU at 738 E 1700 S, which was received favorably. ...
UPDATE: This project was withdrawn before it got to the City Council hearing. UPDATE: This was on the Planning Commission...