Author: Judi Short

 This proposal is required to go before the Planning Commission for a recommendation and the City Council for a final decision. Both bodies will hold public hearings. For your reference, the following are criteria that the Planning Commission and City Council will use to make their recommendation and decision, respectively. The City’s...

This is a Zoning Text Amendment Related to Gas Stations Located Near Water Sources and Sensitive Lands (Public Parks and Open Space). This will propose minimum distances that any gas station can be from a river, stream, or other water body, a park, or open...

UPDATE:Since our previous discussion at the July LUZ meeting, the city has received new information from the State Licensing Division regarding Home Daycares. The city would like to make amendments to the Child Daycare Centers and Home Daycares (within Home Occupations). This is to reduce...

Kum and Go appealed the Planning Commission decision to deny the project.  The appeal hearing was held June 15.  The Appeals Hearing Officer for this appeal was Mary Woodhead, she said she expected her decision would be out in two weeks, but might take longer. Thriving...

The following items were on the April 26 Planning Commission, and were approved: Landscaping and Landscape Buffer Prohibition of Drive-Throughs in CSHBD1 and 2 Affordable Housing Incentives Housing SLC The following item was on the April 26 Planning Commission, and was denied: 1782 S 1600 East...

Update:  Here is the letter we wrote to the PLanning Commision, including comments from the community.   This is tentatively scheduled to be on the Planning Comission meeting February 28, 2024  at 5:30 p.m.Inforation about the meeting and how to participate will be added when...

The proposal for the Kum and Go at 2111 South 1300 East was on the Planning Commission Agenda April 12, 2023.  It was denied by the Planning Commission.  The decision has now been appealed, and there should be a hearing soon.  I don’t believe it...

We have received a request to close the alley at 827 Wilmington Avenue  If you recall, a few months ago we had a request at 2167 S 800 East to close the alley because a tree was growing in the middle of it, and it...

The Planning Division is considering updates to Part VI of Title 21A of the Zoning Ordinance. As a recognized community organization, you have 45 days from the date of this e-mail to provide comments on the proposed petition.   The 45-day period ends on May 19,...