Meeting Minutes

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, September 6, 2023 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Streaming on YouTube MINUTES 1)  Welcome Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2)  Isaac Astill, Salt Lake City School District & Veda Foster, CIP Applicant Isaac is the director of auxiliary services for...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, June 7, 2023 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Streaming on YouTube MINUTES 1)  Welcome Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting. There will be no July meeting so tonight’s agenda is packed. The Kum n’ Go appeal is slated for...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, May 3, 2023 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Streaming on YouTube MINUTES 1)         Welcome, Reports, and Updates Sally Barraclough welcomed everyone to the meeting. No secretary’s report this month. As to the treasurer’s report, the US Bank account balance...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILBoard of Trustees MeetingWednesday, April 5, 20237:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive and Streaming on Instagram Live MINUTES 1)   Welcome, Reports, and Updates Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting. We’re doing an aid station for the Marathon; April22 for those who want...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, March 1, 2023 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive MINUTES 1)  Welcome, Reports, and Updates Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting. We’ll be doing an aid station for the Marathon. Unfortunately, Sim Gill had to cancel and won’t here but will...

7:02 pm Welcome to the November edition of the Sugar House Community Council.  Thanks for joining us and welcome to all the new folks that are on here tonight. Just a reminder, we are moving our December 7th meeting to December 14th so we can...

Welcome-Chair Thank you for coming to the February Sugar House Community Council Meeting.  We are going to get right to it. Approve Minutes-Will Kocher, Second-Rich Knickerbocker Fire Station #3 Sugar House Fire we believe was caused by a couple of heaters being left on and the environment became just...

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Board of Trustees Meeting Wednesday, January 4, 2023 7:00 P.M. In Person at The Neighborhood Hive MINUTES 1)  Welcome, Fire Dept. Update, Highland High Fundraiser, Mark Issac Landon welcomed everyone to the meeting. Chris Burke, with SLC Fire, discussed the importance staying safe in winter, like listening to weather...

I am so sorry to report but the computer we use for the Zoom meetings crashed and we lost the Zoom of the SHCC from October. Again we are sorry. ...

7:02 pm Thank you for joining the September edition of the Sugar House Community Council. We have had a couple of cancels to the agenda so the meeting tonight should be pretty quick. Shane Stroud secretary report:We have a new trustee joining us tonight he will...