Author: Judi Short

UPDATE:  This petition was denied by the Planning Commission 4/26/2023 and the City Council. This is a request to change the zoning from R1/7000 Single Family Residential to SR-3 (Special Development Pattern Residential) Zoning District with a corresponding Master Plan change.  The property owner wants to...

Mayor Erin Mendenhall has initiated a petition for a text amendment that would impact the H Historic Preservation Overlay District citywide. The H Historic Preservation Overlay District applies to properties within a local historic district, properties within a thematic designation, or landmark sites. The City...

At our March 20 LUZ meeting, we discussed the following: Sight Distance Triangle, which has to do with having clear vision zone areas at each intersection of streets, driveways and streets, and driveways and sidewalks.  It also includes the regulation of fences, walls, and hedges, and this will add...

The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open House Page.  You can read about it here.  We have been told that this is tentatively scheduled for the March 22 meeting of the Planning Commission.  You can watch here on our website...

This is on the work session for the City Council on Tuesday, February 20 at 2 p.m.  I cannot believe this has taken them a whole year to get around to approving something.  Here is a copy of the latest version.  Here is the letter I...

Currently, the zoning ordinance requires fences, walls, and hedges be of limited height when located along the intersection of streets, the intersection of driveways and streets, and the intersection of driveways and sidewalks.  The regulation of fences, walls, and hedges and the use of clear...

You may recall, a few years back, after much back and forth with Salt Lake City, the zoning code was changed to allow restoration of our wonderful old electronic signs, like the sputnik, and the Costume Shop.Prior to that change, an owner had to restore...

The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open House Page.  You can read about it here.  We have been told that this is tentatively scheduled for a February 2023 meeting of the Planning Commission.  You can watch here on our website...

We have a request to convert a duplex into two owner-occupied units, leaving the remainder of the common space to be shared by the two units.  No major construction will be needed.  Each side of the duplex will have its own lot.  In the SR-1...