LUZ Reports

Sugar Town – The rezone of the old Snelgrove parcels at 850 and 870 East 2100 South was approved July 20 by the Salt Lake City Council.  It is now CSHBD-2.  The building design will hopefully be coming up on the Planning Commission in August. ...

The August 25 meeting of the SLC Planning Commission had three projects of interest to Sugar House.  First was the request to allow Rooftop Commercial Uses In FB-SE Zone (Form-Based Special Purpose Streetcar Edge).  You can read the proposal, including the staff report here.  This...

1844 E 2700 S Hargrave PUD (Planned Unit Development) was approved by PC  6/9/2021. Request was to subdivide lots at 1844 and 1852 into three lots and create the third lot in the rear of 1852 E 2700 South.  The new lot would have only...

At the May 17 LUZ meeting, we reviewed a proposed ADU at 738 E 1700 S, which was received favorably. We also reviewed a potential rezone at 1945 S 1300 East, which would change the parcel from RMF 35 to RMF 45. The owner wants to demolish the...

At the May 17 LUZ meeting, we reviewed a proposed ADU at 738 E 1700 S, which was received favorably.  We also reviewed a potential rezone at 1945 S 1300 East, which would change the parcel from RMF 35 to RMF 45 .  The owner...

On April 19, the SH Land Use Committee met, we discussed the Alta Terra Sugar House project at 1121 Ashton Avenue, the former 24 hour fitness location.  Here is a link to the latest drawings submitted to Salt Lake City for review.  All the...

On the March 15 LUZ meeting, we discussed 1844 and 1852 E 2700 South Planned Development. This is in the R-1/12000 zone. The petitioners want to divide these two lots and make a third lot of approximately the same size, in the rear of one...

The SHCC Land Use and Zoning Committee met Monday February 8.  We discussed a T-Mobile Cell Tower Expanded Array.  I have only had a few comments about this.  We discussed the proposed Alley Vacation at 938 Elm Street. We had a lot of discussion and...

SH LUZ REPORT 2021 FEBRUARY  At the January 3 meeting of the SLC Planning Commission, the request for a Planned Development at 1966 Windsor was denied.  In talking with the planner, it is possible that the petitioner will Design a new project for this land that...

Cemetery Master Plan  was approved by the City Council. The Cemetery Master Plan would serve as a framework for Salt Lake City to address three primary purposes: 1.) to guide the preservation and management of the Cemetery; 1.) to expand access to and enhance appropriate uses of the...