LUZ Reports

The proposal for the Kum and Go at 2111 South 1300 East was on the Planning Commission Agenda April 12, 2023.  It was denied by the Planning Commission.  The decision has now been appealed, and there should be a hearing soon.  I don’t believe it...

At our March 20 LUZ meeting, we discussed the following: Sight Distance Triangle, which has to do with having clear vision zone areas at each intersection of streets, driveways and streets, and driveways and sidewalks.  It also includes the regulation of fences, walls, and hedges, and this will add...

The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open House Page.  You can read about it here.  We have been told that this is tentatively scheduled for the March 22 meeting of the Planning Commission.  You can watch here on our website...

The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open House Page.  You can read about it here.  We have been told that this is tentatively scheduled for a February 2023 meeting of the Planning Commission.  You can watch here on our website...

The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open House Page.  You can read about it here.  We have been told that this is tentatively scheduled for a January meeting of the Planning Commission.  And, we know it is not on January...

The city is still working on a number of proposals. Homeless Resource Text Amendments, Affordable Housing Overlay, Housing Mitigation.  They are currently working on the Thriving in Place report, and  Anti-Displacement Framework Anti-Displacement Framework, The Kum and Go application is on the Salt Lake City Open...

On October 18, the Salt Lake City Council adopted several zoning text amendments that are important for all of us.  You have probably read about them in the newsletter or my land use reports before, because text amendments take time to write, gather feedback from...

To understand how the Community Council makes its recommendations, and the City Planning Commission makes its decision about a development project, let’s talk about how Land Use in Salt Lake City works.  First, members of the community write a master plan, which is a long...

DRIVE THROUGH in SUGAR HOUSE The Planning Commission held a discussion (not a public hearing) about whether or not a drive-through should be allowed in the CSHBD (Commercial Sugar House Business District 1 and 2) zones. After much discussion, the conversation was tabled until...

The Planning Commission (PC) approved Electric Vehicle Readiness Test Amendment on July 13.  Now on to City Council (CC) for final approval. The ADU at 1852 E 2700 South was approved by PC on 7/13. The LUZ reviewed an ADU at 535 Division Street at the July...