Sugar House Land Use & Zoning

The Sugar House Land Use & Zoning Committee meets on the third Monday of every month, except January, February and December.  During those months, the meeting is on the second Monday. Please see our Calendar for details.

The meeting is open to the public, but please contact the committee chair ahead of time to confirm the meeting time and location.

The Land Use & Zoning Committee Chair is Judi Short

Emerson Trustee
[email protected]

Recent Petitions and Reports

At the March 12 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing for the combining of RMF-35 a...

We discussed three city-wide land use proposals at the February Land Use Meeting. The Garage Ordinan...

On January 8, the Planning Commission reviewed a request to vacate the Alley at 2860 Chadwick. They ...

The Planning Commission approved the Sugar House Townhomes at 2222 Lake Street on December 11. ...

SHCC Comment Form

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